Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sammy is 10 months!

I cannot believe Sam is already 10 months old. She now walks everywhere, still the drunken sailor walk but she is already trying to go faster. I predict a black eye or large lump on the head soon. Just this week I have stopped nursing her, which I think I have done it in the nic of time due to the FOUR front teeth she is getting. I find that when they are teething that they want to nurse for comfort and then end up spitting up all the time. I thought I would BF for 12 months but I am okay with (almost) 10 months. Other things she is doing is saying "hhhhhiiiiiiii" and "dadadadadada" and lots of other jiberish! SHe has been waving for about a month but is now really good. It is pretty cute she looks at her hand when she is waving as to make sure it is moving! I guess I need to start planning for the big birthday bash! We might do it with her cute little cousin Ava because they are exactly one week apart, but not for sure. Whatever we decide it will for sure be over the top!!

Sam 9 hours old

100th Day of School

Julian's class celebrated their 100th day of school on Monday, February 8th. This is only the second time I had the opportunity to work in his class. I wish I could do it more often it is just hard with the girls and my work schedule. Jocelyn and Samantha did join us this time ( Sammy was tucked away in the corner sleeping). I had told Ms A. that I would like to bring in some baked goods to help celebrate and I made a centipede out of mini muffins. I really enjoy baking stuff and look forward to bringing in something from for Julian's birthday too.