Monday, March 29, 2010

Happy Saint Patty's Day!

We didn't domuch special for Saint Patrick's Day..just wore green, ate green cupcakes, and of course had corned beef and cabbage for dinner!

Oh the places I go!

Sam is my little explorer! I am constantly finding her in wierd are just a few!

Julian is 6!

Considering that the kids all have birthdays within 3 months of eachother, we decided last year when Julian turned 5 that we were only going to throw one big birthday party a year, each child gets a turn. So for Julian's birthday this year I made cupcakes and brought the girls to his class. Then after school Julian and two of his classmates and his little brother, mom, and me and the girls went to Bounceapalooza. Then we had pizza with his friends and some family! It was nice and he still got to have a special day!


We are always going to the park. I try to take the kids once a week, weather permitting. I think that it is as good for me as it is for them to get out of the house and burn off some energy!


As of 02/09/10 I am officially a licensed daycare provider. It took a couple years because I was prefectly happy doing exempt car but now I am watching 4 extra kids, including Julian's brother.