Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Update...Sam is in undies!

As I said before, I was not ready to take on the task of potty training Sam just yet...but apparently I don 't have too, smart little one did it herself! She wears undies all day, and during most naps! I don't even have to remind her to go, she runs to the bathroom and goes herself! I do reward her with a skittle or two but not every time. Ron and I are in disbelief because we really didn't do anything. she has peed her pants a few times and gets mad when that happens! I will post a picture of her sneaking into her skittles when Ron gets back in town with his computer! It's too cute seeing her little but in undies!!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

She might be ready...but I 'm not!

I can't keep up with Sam as it is. The other day when we were having dinner at our house for Julian's birthday my wonderful mother-in-law asked what she could do to request??? Take Sam! I know part of it is just her age but I don't remember Jo or Julian being so destructive. With that being said however she the most loving little girl and has a great personality and she is growing up too fast! Anyway a couple of weeks ago we had some plumbing issues in the front bathroom so I had moved the little training potty out to the kitchen. Sam was totally into it! She peed in there at least 5 times, sure she also peed her pants a few times too! Nonetheless I was pretty pumped! Jocelyn was pretty much potty trained at Sam's age, and I didn't think Sam was ready. My enthusiasm has fade because now Sam started this new thing...every time she pees in her diaper she takes it off, no big deal right except she is constantly taking off her clothes and running around naked. She also will take her diaper and go climb on the real potty, way to cool for the little one! She has even gone #2 on the potty a few times COMPLETELY on her own. I am not trying to be lazy and it would be great to buy less diapers but it takes a lot of energy to potty train as well as patience. Long story short...I guess I will just go with it but not rush...maybe by summer!

Happy 7th Birthday Julian

Julian was in Belize with his mom celebrating his 7th birthday so we celebrated when he got back! He had been requesting a special birthday dinner for a couple months! He wanted fish, abalone, deer meat, crab, and donuts! Unfortunately we weren't able to get crab but we had everything else!

We got him a real size basketball hoop for his birthday which he was pretty pumped up about and it was perfect time timing since Parks and Rec started this week!
Eating the "meal"
WIth his siblings and cousins
Wow 7 already
Make a Wish ! !

Bye Bye Long Hair!

Jocelyn and I have been talking about cutting her hair "just to my shoulders mom" for a while. We had planned on doing it around the begining of summer/her birthday but I lost patience with it so if got chopped! It wasn't supposed to be as short as it turned out but we wanted to do Locks of  Love and we just needed another inch or two. It turned out pretty cute definately took a little while to get used too. Ron wasn't happy with me. He wasn't big on shorter hair to begin with and he called it "extreme" but we get compliments on it all the time and a couple of her girl cousins want  a hair cut like it! But the the best part.....she lets me wash and brush it!

The Zoo

We joined the Sequoia Park Zoo a couple of weekends ago. It was only $46 for an entire year which seemed like a great deal. They kids really like the barnyard and the monkeys so hopefully this will encourage us to go more often.

Jocelyn trying to get the Llama"s attention

Sam refusing to come with us!
Jocelyn brushing a goat
Geez, I can"t get them to do chores at home!
Beep Beep!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Tide Pools at Patricks Point

Patricks Point is such a great place to go. Infact we could easily spend a whole day there and we almost did but it got cut short because of cranky kids needing a nap and freeeeezing cold wind.
We intially planned to go to Agate Beach to look for Agates but when when stopped at the visitor's center we happen to perfectly time it to go check out the tide pools, which turned out to be pretty fun and exciting. We saw all kinds of sea creatures. The hike down was treacherous as well as trying to walk over all the jagged rocks but we managed!
Ron and Jocelyn on the walk down!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Saturday Family Fun Day!

So I love living in Humboldt (most of the time) and even though I know what it has to offer, I found a really cool website that gives info on stuff to do. It's all organized in one place so it makes it to see, hours, cost, etc, and it is mostly outdoor stuff! Here is the link Obviously most of us locals know about these places but it is a good reminder of where they are! So far we have had 3 family fun days, weather permiting, and have gone to The Hatchery, the Marsh, and to Patricks Point to check out the tide pools. Here are pics from the Hatchery.

Jocelyn is a big kid now!

I think it just comes with being a younger sibling, but Jo has always wanted to, and thought she could do anything her brother can do. So when she turned three I began looking into schools for her. I ended up putting her on a couple waiting list and 6 MONTHS LATER after no phone call ( I actually ended up calling and they told me May for once, yes an eleven month wait for a preschool, and March for another. ) So I ended up calling one here in McKinleyville called ABC Child C.A.R.E Center and they could start her right away!

She goes Wednesdays and Fridays until 330 or so, even though she can stay until 530 but I havent needed her too yet. She LOVED it at first but now says it is boring! I think she is used to ruling the roost here at home and doesn't get to at school! I enjoy the break I get from her and I know she has fun there, even if she won't admit it!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I'm Back!

I know it has been an incredibly long time since I have blogged, sorry! One of the main reasons besides just being super busy with life, is that my computer crashed. It was a dinosaur and not even worth the money it would cost to get it fixed. I wad able to save my 5000+ photos and 200 videos thankfully but it took a long time and was a super slow process.
A lot has been going on. Julian finally lost some teeth, Jocelyn started preschool two days a week, Sam had a horrible cold season with constant colds and earaches etc. Ron was busy with hunting ( no luck though) , then moved from that right into fishing. Daycare has been incredibly busy but I still enjoy what I do, it can be just as rewarding as it can be challenging. I have 8 kids now (including our 3) and possible a couple more here soon. And last but not least I am going to be an Aunt again in May so I have started to plan a baby shower for Baby Furber, I can't wait for that baby to get here. I will post some pics soon. I got a iPad for my birthday but don't have any
pics on it yet!